Budgeting 102

The first stage to responsible budgeting is setting your own parameters or limits. Sit down with whoever contributes income to the household. Ask yourselves what you feel is reasonable to spend on different items or categories. Some categories are easy – these...

Budget Continues

Once you’ve determined and recorded your fixed costs a pool of money should be left over. This is where lifestyle enrichment gets funded. That is your next step in developing a solid budget – determine your lifestyle expenses. Develop a series of...

Almost There – Keep to the Process

You now have a better handle on your income and expenses. We are at the final stages in preparing a good, workable budget. We are also at a pivotal budget stage – reasonableness! Your budget has to satisfy your goals. To do that, you have to define those goals...

Budget Beware – Here You Come!

If you’ve followed all the preceding steps you should be staring at a workable budget. The budget will have a rough blueprint as to expenses, lifestyle satisfaction and goal satisfaction but treat this draft as exactly that – a blueprint. You’ve...

Budget Beware – Helpful Hints

As you`ve probably realized, a good budget changes on a month by month basis. It changes based on priorities, goals, even on the change in seasons. If its cold outside people tend to entertain at home more often. When barbeque season starts, grocery budgets tend to...

Budget Beware – Off to the Races!

You`ve now got a handle on what you feel you should be spending based on the natural restriction of available income. You have a budget prepared with target amounts that you are comfortable with. You`ve accomplished a giant first step but now have to take your budget...